My baby has four legs and fur. Her name is Roxy and she’s our crazy-smart German Shorthair pointer. In June when she turns four there may not be a crazy dog party, but there will be a awesome hike or lake swim and a tasty bone. She’s part of our family and I thought I would share a few of our favorite things other than the cozy fire.
durable, washable, and pre-shrunk, molly mutt duvets are 100% cotton, fully-zippered and gusseted for extra style and comfort. Use the stuff sack to organize your old blankets, pillows, clothes or old dog bed on the inside of your duvet!
Ruffwear Dog Pack
This sleek, low-profile hydration pack is ideal for adventures where water is all you need. The pack allows for your dog to carry it’s own water. Perfect for any mountain dog.
This sleek, low-profile hydration pack is ideal for adventures where water is all you need. The pack allows for your dog to carry it’s own water. Perfect for any mountain dog.
Stainless steel + non-skid = love
I have a dog with a sensitive stomach so she eats pretty well. We love the organic treats.
Ruffwear Dog Leash
Hands down one of my favorite leashes. It features a side release buckle that allows for three handle conversions:
1. hand-held leash ( a standard walk)
2. Waist-worn leash (short jog)
3. Fixed leash (clipped around a tree or post while you run to grab a cup of coffee)
Hands down one of my favorite leashes. It features a side release buckle that allows for three handle conversions:
1. hand-held leash ( a standard walk)
2. Waist-worn leash (short jog)
3. Fixed leash (clipped around a tree or post while you run to grab a cup of coffee)
This collar is super light weight and has a clip for the leash.
If your dog loves to play fetch you must own a Chuckit. My dog can play for hours and with this bad boy I don’t have to touch the ball and my arm doesn’t get tired, double win!
Here’s my girl at Angora Lake last summer… yes that’s a stick in her mouth.
Here’s my girl at Angora Lake last summer… yes that’s a stick in her mouth.
Roxy is the prettiest girl!! That chuckit is a lifesaver at my house. My pit is ball obsessed and when she sees the chuckit she gets so excited!!
Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings
ahh pretty roxy! i would love to see my dogs in the water, i wonder what they would do, they usually don't try to jump in the water. one of my dogs will turn four this year too!
Awww!! Your dog is adorable 🙂
Thanks for the tips. My dog may just get a few goodies!
I have a little wiener dog that looks just like the one in the pic! And that is an adorable dog bed…too bad he would probably try to eat it. Crazy dog!
Amazing post, really looking Very nice ,Thank You…..