Happy Friday! Where did the week go? So obviously I didn’t wrap up any of the current 23 blog drafts and am going with a random This + That post, again. You’re welcome.
Mini shopping carts – love or hate them? Yesterday while at Trader Joe’s I let Emerson push around a mini cart for the first time. She LOVED it. I even let her pick out items to put in said mini cart. Overall, she killed it shopping and the cart only fell over once…. ooops. Here’s my take. Yes your shopping trip will take that much longer, but it entertains your kid while getting involved in everyday tasks. It’s a win in my book. Pro Tip: Go shopping during less busy times
Beauty refresh – I recently started going through my beauty products, yes all 5 of them, and have started replacing them for better options or because they are straight up old. Yes, I’m looking at you mascara. Lucky me my sister not only introduced me to Beauty Counter, but she’s running a killer special. In the spirit of treating ourselves, she’s hosting a virtual social with a kicker. She’ll give 25% off a new lipstick with any item purchased and throw in a FREE lipstick of your choice for purchases over $100. Stock up before September 13th and get a little extra! My favorite items include the charcoal bar and mask!
Podcasts – Do you listen to podcasts? I’ve been devouring The Paleo Woman Podcast. They talk about all things healthy and wellness not just Paleo as the title might imply. Check them out! What podcasts are you loving?
Monthly Mama Dinners – A few months ago I started attending “Mamas Dinners.” Basically it’s a group of moms who get together once a month for dinner. I knew some of the ladies prior, and made some new friends in the process. There’s roughly 10 of us and we rotate houses every month. While it’s hard to get motivated to go I always have a blast.
Quick Macro update – I’ve lost 10 pounds and haven’t lost any strength! I can not stress enough that it’s not a diet it’s a lifestyle. Nothing is off limits I just have a budget of carbs, fats and protein. This means I’m mindful of how I spend it. For example, today I’ll enjoy a piece of JOJO’s Chocolate Bark. Counting Macros has not only taught me about portion control, but that the right ratio of c/f/p helps your body process food better. Since I started counting macros my skin looks amazing, I’m not bloated, I sleep like a champ even more, have less inflammation and so much more!
Be kind to your body and it will be kind to you.
I let Vi use the little grocery cart the other day for the first time and she was SO happy!! it took forever but it was worth it to see her running around with that cart and a big smile! and she only ran into me once haha! xo