How far along:
31 weeks today — Time is quickly flying by.
Baby’s size:
She’s the size of an pineapple and measuring up to 16.7 inches and 3.8 lbs. There was definitly a growth spurt this week!
Weight gain:
Last Friday I was at 13 pounds, but after a week at home and Thanksgiving I feel like I put on another five pounds. Back to crossfit next week! My belly definitely got bigger in just one week– chalking it up to all the bad (but good) food I ate all week!
Food cravings:
Food cravings:
My mom made chocolate chips cookies and I just couldn’t resist. Such a simple treat, but so good.
Still sleeping great! I’m one lucky girl. At least a solid 8-9 hours nightly.
Team Pink {reveal}
TONS! Sometimes it seems like she’s moving all day.
Best moment this week:
Taking our maternity/holiday photos two weeks ago. I was only 29 weeks and wonder if we should have waited, but we can always have someone snap a few photos when we actually have snow on the ground. My baby shower in San Diego.
Miss anything?
Miss anything?
Mimosas Thanksgiving morning. Other than that not much.
Still maintaining and feeling lucky. CrossFit, spin and mostly walking and some running (only at CrossFit).
Thanksgiving week — lots of walking/hiking and tabata – push ups, squats & burpees.
Maternity Clothes?
Yes and no. I’m in the market for leggings I can wear now and after. I really don’t want to buy any more Maternity clothes since I only have nine weeks left, but I need pants. I’l love my over sized sweaters and long tops with cardigans.
Maternity Clothes?
Yes and no. I’m in the market for leggings I can wear now and after. I really don’t want to buy any more Maternity clothes since I only have nine weeks left, but I need pants. I’l love my over sized sweaters and long tops with cardigans.
Still a combo of happy and stressed. Just ready to be done.
Looking forward to:
Looking forward to:
This might sound crazy, but I’m actually looking forward to it snowing. It’s always nice to have a white Christmas. We’re actually hosting “friends” Christmas dinner. I can’t wait to finish the nursery. We ordered this rug in grey yesterday and scored it for 75% + an additional $15 off!