Girlfriend is one month and I can’t believe it.
Weight + Height | She’s growing like a weed! We had our one month check up today and she was 8 lbs 10 oz and 20.5 inches!
Health | She has a clean bill of health, but some how has hiccups after every feeding. Oh and girlfriend has gas. According to her pediatrician it’s because of my high fiber diet. I guess I need to cut back on kale salads and spinach smoothies.
Sleep | At this point we get at least one four hour stretch at night then she’s up two to three hours later. We officially started baby wise this week. It’s been interesting.
Eat | All breast milk. However, as of today we’re starting to supplement with formula since I can’t keep up with her demand and we’re out of our frozen supply from when she was in the NICU. We’ll see how that goes.
Wear | She’s wearing 0-3 month now. I couldn’t believe that in just days she out grew her newborn clothes.
Social | My mother-in-law (aka Nana) was in town all last week. It was really great having her here. My sister and brother get into town tonight.
Baby Gear | The Summer Infant SwaddleMe Adjustable Infant Wrap is a lifesaver! Emerson sleeps in one every night. We’re also loving Satsuma Designs Baby Mittens they don’t fall off — ever.
Milestones | Tuesday was our first entire day all by ourselves! We went and had lunch with our friends at the Blue Angel Cafe.
We’re making progress with tummy time. Emerson is doing great turning her head from side to side. She even rolled over twice.
Postpartum | This mama is feeling great! I had my three week check up last week and to my surprise already hit my pre pregnancy weight! I’m still soft and am hoping at my appointment next week I’m cleared for full activity. Until then I’m still logging miles daily walking.
a month already?!!? time is flying by! i need to get those little mittens and congrats on already getting back to your pre-pregnancy weight! that's so impressive! xo jillian – cornflake dreams