At one point or another everyone has either browsed, posted or bought something through Criagslist. During a “Pottery Barn” search through the SF Criagslist page I came across a vintage rocking chair. A old wooden rocking chair would complete any house whether…
Enter at your own risk
I bought a house and started ripping things out and then decided it was a good idea to move into the construction zone. It’s like summer camp everyday at my house. I have one working shower, one working toilet and…
Mountain Style Mondays::Oh Deer
Although I have a bird dog, I’m not a hunter and I’ve never understood the appeal of hanging the head of a stuffed, fill in whatever animal here, on the wall. It’s creepy, like a room full of dolls staring…
Mountain Style Mondays::Pottery Barn
I love living in Tahoe and recently just purchased my first home in Tahoe. As I’ve been decorating I’ve come across all decor “mountain” which as been humorous on occasion. Although, most folks go a bit overboard on the “mountain…
DIY: Farmers Market Bag
Last weekend during our trip to the Carson Valley I was able to hit up Joann’s for some fabric. Michaels followed for yarn. Well, today I took some time and sat down and made… I found the pattern/directions on the Purl Bee blog. It was…
Fall Walkabout – Taylor Creek
Fall is all around; leaves turning, crisp air, Oktoberfest, and Kokanee. Yesterday, Nick and I took a break from all the house stuff and took our Roxy girl for a walkabout along Taylor Creek. We were even able to check out the Kokanee before…
D-O-Double G
That’s right yours truly went to the How The West Was One tour and saw Snoop Dogg and Ice Cube back in July. So much Fun!! I totally didn’t even think about bringing my camera so the following shots aren’t that great…
Reno Aces
Sometimes life passes by and you forget to blog about cool events in your life…or sometimes you’re just not feeling it. Over the past few months I’ve tried to be a better blogger and with that here’s me catching up…
Our Muttski
The muttski protecting her pile of wood and her trusty pinecone. What is it with dogs and pinecones??
Where’s the Bathroom?
It’s been nearly three weeks since we closed on the house. The first weekend we closed my dad was on the first jet to Reno/Tahoe. I had to work Friday while my dad and Nick got started on a little…