The hubby and I are enjoying all things food in Portland, Oregon at Feast Portland. Follow our adventures and eats on intagram (@tiara_wasner) it should be a great weekend in the City of Roses!
How far along:
Exactly 21 weeks today! We’re more than half baked! I seriously can’t believe it. Where did the summer go?
Baby’s size:
Our peanut is the size of an pomegranate. About 10.5 inches and 12.7 ounces.
Weight gain:
Roughly 7-8 pounds. I expect to gain another 10 lbs this weekend with all the deliciousness at Feast Portland! Seriously, I’m in foodie heaven.
Food cravings:
Exactly 21 weeks today! We’re more than half baked! I seriously can’t believe it. Where did the summer go?
Baby’s size:
Our peanut is the size of an pomegranate. About 10.5 inches and 12.7 ounces.
Weight gain:
Roughly 7-8 pounds. I expect to gain another 10 lbs this weekend with all the deliciousness at Feast Portland! Seriously, I’m in foodie heaven.
Food cravings:
Not really. I’m not joking and I know it sounds so bizarre. Basically I’ll think about what I have at home and say oh xyz sounds good. I’ll make it and it’s typically not as good as I thought it would be. I’ll enjoy ice cream now and then, but no more than usual.
sleeping great. However, I now sleep with multiple pillows instead of one. HA. Poor Nick.
Gender: It’s a GIRL! {reveal}
sleeping great. However, I now sleep with multiple pillows instead of one. HA. Poor Nick.
Gender: It’s a GIRL! {reveal}
Starting to feel flutters here and there. I’m assuming it’s the baby dancing.
Best moment this week:
Best moment this week:
Obviously, finding out that it’s a GIRL! Then I bought this, this and this from the GAP.
Miss anything?
Bretheless workouts and wine. Especially wine and beer since we’re at Feast Portland.
Aches and pains here and there. I can feel my abs stretching.
Aches and pains here and there. I can feel my abs stretching.
spin and walking/running. I’m
still logging 6-8 workouts a week 🙂 Keeping it up until I’m told I can’t by my body or doctor. I do however need to purchase new workout pants for spin. Any suggestions?
spin and walking/running. I’m
still logging 6-8 workouts a week 🙂 Keeping it up until I’m told I can’t by my body or doctor. I do however need to purchase new workout pants for spin. Any suggestions?
Maternity Clothes?
I’ve I bought a few items like these jeans, leggings, and dress among other things. I’m having fun figuring out what items in my closet still work. During my last trip to Target I picked up a belly band. Love! I wish Lucky Brand made maternity jeans.
happy. Getting tried of people asking me how I feel. I know they mean well, but it’s starting to become annoying.
happy. Getting tried of people asking me how I feel. I know they mean well, but it’s starting to become annoying.
Looking forward to:
Decorating the baby room now that we know the sex. Let the planning begin!
So exciting! That owl onesie is wayyy cute!
It's so hard not to buy everything!