39 weeks today — final countdown! I’m saying February 3 as it’s a full moon.
Baby’s size:
She’s the size of a watermelon (it feels like it), weighing in at 6-9lbs. and measuring at 18-20 inches!
Baby’s size:
She’s the size of a watermelon (it feels like it), weighing in at 6-9lbs. and measuring at 18-20 inches!
Weight gain:
As of this morning I’m only up 17-18 ish lbs. OMG — However, my belly grew so much over the last week! Maybe it’s all the Lara Bars/Aussie Bites I’ve been snacking on. I might make it without any love marks (aka stretch marks), but honestly I don’t know and it’s hard to tell. My mom has them so I feel like I’ll end up with them too. Either way I keep slathering on the Burt’s Bees Mama Bee Belly Butter (at least twice a day).
Food cravings:
Last week was Mexican, but over all nothing really.
Sleeping the entire night is now over. I now wake up at least 3 times a night to use the bathroom, but luckily I can fall right back asleep. At least we know I’m well hydrated.
Sleeping the entire night is now over. I now wake up at least 3 times a night to use the bathroom, but luckily I can fall right back asleep. At least we know I’m well hydrated.
TONS! She just doesn’t stop. I’m not kidding — even when I’m working out she’s moving and grooving.
Best moment this week:
Best moment this week:
Knowing that it’s only days until we meet her.
Miss anything?
Miss anything?
Just feeling normal aka no belly!
No contractions, but I do have what they call “lighting crotch.” Yup that’s a thing. All those sharp pains are from the baby sitting low in my pelvis and hitting nerve endings. Lovely.
maintaining 5 slow workouts a week. After getting sick at 37 weeks and developing a slight cough I now have early signs of diastasis recti. Per my doctor’s advice and to help prevent any further damage, I’m now rocking a Bao Bei Maternity Belly Sports Bra. I wont really know how bad the separation is until after the baby is born, but I was told it didn’t look bad and should reattach with exercise. Did you know it happens to 1/3 of pregnant women?!
Maternity Clothes?
maintaining 5 slow workouts a week. After getting sick at 37 weeks and developing a slight cough I now have early signs of diastasis recti. Per my doctor’s advice and to help prevent any further damage, I’m now rocking a Bao Bei Maternity Belly Sports Bra. I wont really know how bad the separation is until after the baby is born, but I was told it didn’t look bad and should reattach with exercise. Did you know it happens to 1/3 of pregnant women?!
Maternity Clothes?
Yes, daily. Lots of leggings, sweaters and dresses. I pretty much wear the same thing every week.
Happy and anxious. Looks like we’re going to have a house full once the baby is born loving on her, but not sure it’s the best thing for us or my sanity. I’m very type A. When were you willing to have company post baby?
Looking forward to:
Meeting our little girl, new adventures as a party of three, and getting my body back in shape after baby (yup I went there).
Looking forward to:
Meeting our little girl, new adventures as a party of three, and getting my body back in shape after baby (yup I went there).
Linking up with September Farm and A. Liz Adventures
i've been wearing leggings non-stop lately! and now i want some mexican food 🙂 xo jillian – cornflake dreams
Leggings really are the best. I have a feeling I'll live in them post baby too 😉