Happy Friday!
Life’s been crazy busy between work and daily life. Needless to say the blog is always the first to suffer. Sometimes I feel like I have so much to say, but don’t know how to put it on paper (i.e., this space) or just don’t have the time or energy. Poor me… just joking. Just know I try to do it all, but sometimes I can’t and things suffer. For instance this space, I have plans on what I want this space to become, but then when it comes down to time I’m working with clients, spending time with family or working out. Yeah relationships with friend’s suffer too. It’s not that I mean for it to happen. Oh and why is making mom friends the hardest thing in the world…
Moving on….
IG Stories vs. Snapchat
While I have snapchat I’m all about IG stories. Who has time for two apps! I have way more views via IG stories too. So basically I’m not wasting my time with snapchat any more. Do you have a preference?
I’ve always liked Kombucha and have been on a serious kick lately. It’s become some what of a daily habit. Go to brands are GT’s and Health Ade. Do you Kombucha?
Working with a Crossfit Coach
It’s only been two weeks and he’s working me. If you follow my IG stories you saw I’ve been working through a lumbar strain. All is good and I’m still hitting the bike hard. Check out this burner I did, among other things, on Wednesday.
Air Bike Cals 30, 20, 10
Wall Walks 6, 4, 2
People hitting 100g of protein a day isn’t easy, to-do so I eat a protein bar and drink a protein smoothie daily! I dare you to track your macros one day and see where you land. I double dare you!
Anyway, GoMacro is a staple at our house. While every so often they hook a sister up, I buy just as many bars. #truth But what’s important here is starting in May they are launching a give back program. Starting with my favorite bar!
The first of Give-Back-Bar is coming up fast… during the month of May, GoMacro will be donating 10% of total proceeds of specially marked Peanut Butter MacroBars to Farm Sanctuary — a national nonprofit dedicated toward rescuing and giving life-long homes to abused farms animals. This is a subject near and dear to our hearts, as GoMacro was founded on a farm in Wisconsin and is where one of the company co-Founders still lives today.
Have a great weekend and chat soon!
I keep having confusion between using IG or Snapchat. I was initially irritated when all of the apps started having stories (because what do I use?!), but you are right that IG brings way more views! Right now I basically stopped using stories anywhere, ha.
i never bothered with snapchat! IG stories is much easier and I dont like to have to use multiple apps…it's hard enough for me to remember to post something to IG. xo jillian – cornflake dreams
I hear you on the blogging space, just not enough time or not enough to say. I do IG story, don't have the SNAP.
Sometimes I feel less is more. 🙂