Can you believe Halloween is this weekend?! I can’t! Life seems to be moving along quickly and now that the holiday’s are here it’s going to be 2016 before we know it! Before we get to what I’m loving —…
Tropical PB Smoothie + #EatMighty Giveaway!
Raise your hand if you love peanut butter. I just raised both hands — just in case you were wondering. I’m a nut butter fiend and easily can go through a jar in a week. Hence why I typically buy it as a treat….
Guest Post | Post-Pregnancy Belly Wrapping
Psst: There’s still one day left to enter the Purple Laurel Giveaway! Enter HERE — Don’t Delay. Guest Post by Stephanie Miles from When Tiara recently posted about her physical journey after having baby Emerson, it really struck a…
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
[Photo credit: South Tahoe Crossfit] Every month and everyone has a cause, October just happens to be all about the boobies. Yup, if you didn’t know now you know — it’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This year I participated, with the…
Mad Scientist Float with Homemade OREO Ice Cream
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #SpookyCreations #CollectiveBias Halloween is the prefect time to get creative in the kitchen! Even us fit folks have guilty pleasures. While I have a…
Fit Friday | Crossfit + Gear to live in this season
Yahoo…. it’s Friday! Once an athlete, always an athlete — Crossfit has resurrected the old athlete within and I love it. Everyday I keep pushing the limits and I feel great. I RX when I can, but scale when I…
Technically Emerson turns nine months next week, but I think we’re safe to chat about some of our favorites over the last few months. We’re still loving and using some of the 3-6 month favorites too! Highchair | Emerson has been eating from…
Business Highlight | Q&A with Purple Laurel + A Giveaway!
Navigating pregnancy, postpartum and baby gear can be overwhelming. There are so many products out there and what works for one person may not work for another. With that said, I’m chatting with Stephanie the brilliant mom of two behind…
Quick and Easy Black Bean Breakfast Sandwich
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #FallWithATwist #CollectiveBias Oh, fall — Let me count the ways I love you. Other than all things apples and pumpkins, tailgating screams Fall….
Keeping it 100 | Weekend Happenings
In effort to keep things 100 percent real around these parts, I’m chatting about our weekend. My sister and her fiancĂ© were in town — there was a lot of rain, wine, good food, and baby snuggles. This girl and…