Let’s be real, we’re not getting any younger. If you haven’t already it’s time to dial in your beauty regimen. Recently, I’ve been evaluating the beauty products I use and replacing not so good products with better options. I care…
10 Must Have Pool Floaties
Although it’s currently totally raining/snowing in Tahoe I’m talking about all things sunshine — again! You guys loved 10 Swimsuits to get you pumped for Summer so let’s talk about the pool floaty! Unless you’ve been living under a rock…
In the Open: Thoughts on 17.4
Happy Monday! It’s another CrossFit open recap. YAY! Sadly I don’t have any pictures from Friday. Which is probably a good thing because the WOD left me in tears. Tears because I was in pain and tears because I’ve put…
Friday Favorites: CrossFit, GoMacro + Spring Cleaning
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! I hope you’re wearing green! People I have some exciting stuff happening to the blog! Yup, to celebrate 10 years of blogging (crazy, right?!), next month, there will be some significant changes around here along with…
Ten Swimsuits to get you pumped for Summer
Yeah, that’s right I’m talking about swimsuit season in the middle of March. Who am I, right?! Just a mama who felt the sun on her face this weekend and can’t wait to hit the beach…sooner rather than later. Most…
Sunshine and CrossFit Open 17.3
Spring has sprung in Lake Tahoe and I’m over the moon. Fingers crossed it’s here to stay. It was a long few months full of snow. Like I mentioned on Friday it has me dreaming of vacation. We’re actually in…