Happy Monday! We survived our first weekend at home with Emerson! If you follow me on instagram then you know her first week was spent in the NICU at UC Davis Children’s Hospital. It was a stressful week. I have…
Welcoming Emerson Quinn
We welcomed our beautiful little girl into the world at 12:39 a.m. on January 29, 2015. She weighed in at 7 lbs and measured 19 inches. World say hello to Emerson Quinn. She decided to make an appearance a day…
My Maternity Style // The Essentials
Since I’m 40 weeks this week (eek!) I think it’s high time and safe for me to share what I’ve been wearing these last few months. I was very fortunate to fit into a majority of my non-maternity clothes throughout my…
Bump Update // 39 weeks
How far along: 39 weeks today — final countdown! I’m saying February 3 as it’s a full moon. Baby’s size: She’s the size of a watermelon (it feels like it), weighing in at 6-9lbs. and measuring at 18-20 inches! …
Third Trimester Favorites
Wow where has the time gone?! The baby girl is due in nine days!!! I’ve been so fortunate to have had a very smooth pregnancy. Fingers crossed the delivery is as smooth as it can be. What better time than…
Chili Verde Chicken Enchiladas
I love three day weekends! Our weekend was the perfect combo of relaxing and working around the house. Big updates in the nursery included a new light fixture. On the food front — baby m was craving Mexican food for…