So you’re thinking about getting pregnant. Maybe you already are or just delivered. It’s never to late (or early) to start saving or thinking about insurance plans. Do you know if your insurance provider covers childbirth? My husband and I…
Fall Favorites
Striped Tee / Skinny Jeans (maternity fit) / Boots / Bag / Necklace / Infinity Scarf Oh, fall how I love you. As much as I’m bummed summer is over fall in Tahoe is pretty amazing. The days are still…
Travel Oregon // Adventures from Portland to Hood River
I’m back today with my final recap from our trip to Portland. Of course, there will be more food but today it’s all about our overall trip. Feast was a whirlwind! Feast Portland: Sandwich Invitational, Oregon Bounty Grand Tasting &…
Bump Update: 23 Weeks
How far along: Exactly 23 weeks today! Baby’s size:Our peanut is the size of an grapefruit. About 10.5-11.8 inches and 12.7-20.8 ounces.Weight gain: Roughly 9 pounds. It was all the delicious treats I indulged in while at Feast PDX. The baby loved…
Health-Ade Kombucha Teas
{Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post brought to you by Northern California’s Whole Foods Market} Years ago I was introduced to kombucha tea by a friend. It’s an acquired taste that has grown on me. What is kombucha tea? Simply…
Kitchen Confessions // Moving Forward
Originally I planned a different post today, but figured it was time to take a break from food. Plus, we received some GREAT news yesterday. Our building permit for the kitchen remodel was approved and six weeks earlier than we…