[The below post originally appeared on Fit Mama 4 life. Just incase you didn’t catch it… FYI – many of these tips can be applied even if you’re not pregnant or don’t have kids.]
I’m a endorphin junkie and a new mom. Staying fit while pregnant wasn’t only important to me, but it prepared me for labor and made for a quick postpartum recovery. Each pregnancy is different, but after consulting with my doctor I was cleared to workout throughout my entire pregnancy and workout I did. I’m going to throw it out there I’m 5’4″ and only gained 18 pounds. You could say I worked my little butt off. 39 weeks vs. 2 weeks postpartum.
So how did I do it? Simple — with good old fashion exercise and clean eating (90% of the time).
Five tips to staying fit throughout pregnancy, postpartum and beyond.
Don’t let pregnancy be an excuse. Just because you’re pregnant doesn’t mean you have to stop XYZ (always consult a doctor first).
At 16 weeks pregnant I competed in my third Tough Mudder mountain course! I even made it across the funky monkey. That shit was hard! The course was 75% uphill, but I still managed to finish it in under 3 hours.
Mix it up. While I was on vacation I didn’t skip a workout, I just changed it up taking daily walks while exploring the area.
Diet — you can’t out exercise a bad diet. Just because you’re pregnant doesn’t mean you should or can eat whatever you want. Did you know you only need an extra 300 calories a day!? I’m not perfect and I had my fair share of treats, but I still didn’t over indulge. Keep healthy snacks in the house.
Here’s what I eat in a typical day: Steel cut oats with almond milk, walnuts, honey and fruit, Lara Bar, Salad with grilled chicken and turkey lasagna with kale salad. Throughout the week I’ll throw a green smoothie into the mix 3-4 times or have eggs and sweet potatoes in the morning. Oh and lots and lots of water.
Postpartum. Labor isn’t pretty and you’re probably extremely sore. I know I was, but you need to get out of the house. Move… stretch your legs… go for a walk. Even if it’s just for 10 minutes at first. Trust me you will thank yourself later. I know you’re thinking I’m crazy, but it will do you and your family good. Don’t go crazy the first few days.
When you’re ready start wearing your baby on walks, it will help you burn a some extra calories 🙂
I was only cleared to walk until I hit five weeks postpartum due to stitches. In the begining, I walked a mile or so 5-6 days and over time worked my way up to four miles! Slow and steady wins the race and prevents postpartum injuries.
About to head out on a walk one week postpartum.
Today I might not be as defined as I was pre pregnancy, but I’ve lost all the pregnancy weight and a little extra! I’m currently eight months postpartum and am getting stronger everyday. I’m creating life long habits for me and my family. Today is a new day with new goals.
Need a little help reaching your fitness goals? I have a challenge group starting Oct 5. Email me at tiarawasner [at] gmail [dot] com!
What a fabulous post, lady! I'm not pregnant, but I agree and like all of tips and pointers :)!
Great post! I tried to have a similar mindset through pregnancy – it was no reason to start eating junk or sitting around! Honestly working out with a 2 year old and 4 month old is much more challenging than when i was pregnant haha
Yes, balancing fitness and a baby/kid (or two) is a whole other challenge. I'm actually working on a post so stay tune!
you look great! i think staying active during my pregnancy made my delivery easier and recovery faster (an earlier epidural would have been helpful too haha). great tips!! xo jillian – cornflake dreams
You're so badass. Loving my face on here. ;o)