After much debate, I’ve decided to share my ‘body after baby.’ This post isn’t meant to gain praise. It’s meant to inspire. I’m a just a regular gal, with real struggles. If this post inspires one person then it’s served its purpose.
It’s been eight months since Emerson was born! Since then I’ve posted a few ‘body after baby’ photos on instagram, but it’s time to share my journey and the dirty truth.
Unfortunately, I didn’t have the luxury of going home. Instead I had to drive two hours to be with Emerson who had been transported to the NICU at UC Davis Medical Center. There were a lot of things going on during my first week postpartum. The first few days I felt bloated, sore and tired. Here’s what I looked like two days postpartum.
I tried everything to increase my milk supply. At around four weeks postpartum I started eating anything and everything I could. Once I started eating more my milk supply increased. More calories = more milk. I really started to take advantage of the extra breastfeeding calories. However, my body changed. At this point I still wasn’t cleared for full activity so I was only walking. Although I was shrinking in size, I slowly started to see my muscles fade. I became frustrated.
Every week I saw small changes in my body.
Yes, I dropped all the weight and then some in the first three weeks. Heck, I was lower than my pre-pregnancy weight, but soft and squishy. I might have “bounced” back, but my body isn’t what it was. It takes time and hard work. Today I’m strong, but there’s still things I need to work on, like core. Slow and steady wins the race and prevents injury.
Honestly, good old fashion diet and exercise. I worked my butt off while I was pregnant and it paid off big time. I also was in great shape prior to getting pregnant. Don’t get me wrong I’m not prefect I did indulge here and there.
While some may not agree with me that’s ok. Being fit is important to me. I want to be the best version of me I can be and that includes how I look. My workouts are my “me” time. I’m also creating good habits for my family and I’m pretty sure my husband isn’t complaining about it. Although, I know he would love me at any size.
Where am I today?
Every week I’m making fitness gains. Emerson is healthy and I was able to breastfeed her until she was 6 months old. My diet is decent, but could always be better. My goal, over the next few months, is to maintain workouts while eating clean 90% of the time.
Want more fit pregnancy? You might like:
The Best Workout Gear
How I’m Staying Fit While Pregnant
The First 20 Weeks
The Last 20 Weeks
Fit, Pregnant & Tough — Running Tough Mudder Four Months Pregnant
Staying Hydrated
awesome job!!! Congrats, you look great.
[Thumbs up emoji]
Look amazing!!! I do not have kids yet… one day hope i bounce back like that.
Thanks! Just remember diet and exercise.
You look AMAZING, T! Way to go, Mama. So inspiring, and definitely encouraging to see how fitness and wellness can be done well before, during, and after pregnancy…but also so neat to hear the realities of pregnancy body. 😉 Keep it up!
Thanks! It's amazing what our bodies are truly capable of. Now it's all about setting healthy habits for my little girl. 🙂
You look great, lady! I think you should celebrate your body and how well you have done getting back to where you feel happy. You deserve to be praised, you've worked hard and should be able to look back on your progress. KUDOS!
You look incredible!!! I don't have kids, but goodness, you look like you had an extremely healthy pregnancy.
Thanks Julia! Yes, I was very fortunate to have had a very healthy and active pregnancy.