Good Morning Party People! The last weekend in January I competed at the NorCal Masters CrossFit Competition. It’s was legit. Not only was it two days it was heavy (for me), but I think I’m fully recovered. Well, at least the fog has cleared and I can think clearly again. HA.
Anyway, I placed 15th in my age group. Which is right in the middle of the pack. While some wouldn’t be so happy with finishing 15th, I’m ecstatic. Why, because I’ve improved so much in the last year and it showed.
There were a lot of nervous leading into day 1, but after touching the barbell I knew it was go-time. Plus, it was all about having fun!
4 RM Thruster
Row 750 for time
rest 1 min
Row 500 for time
AMRAP – 9 minutes
150m shuttle run
10 53 lb KBS
5 pull-ups
immediately into 3 RFT (3 min time cap)
150m shuttle run
10 53 lb KBS
5 pull-ups
I was worried about heavy power cleans, but day 2 was way better than day one. It was the day I realized my training has really paid off. I had the stamina to keep pushing.
WOD 4 (13 min time cap)
Chipper 10, 8, 6 ,4 ,2
Power clean at 135 lbs
Toes to Bar
Alt 35 lb KB Snatches
…in between each round 60 doubleunders plus 100m row
Run 800m with a 14 lb med ball
rest 30s
2 min max back squats at 105lbs
I loved every minute of it. I loved the energy on the floor, the ladies competing and the feeling of accomplishment I felt afterwards. It gave me the boost I needed going into the open. The venue view didn’t disappoint either. I will definitely compete in NCM 2019.
Do you CrossFit?
Photo Credit: David Kafer Photography
Girl, YES! You look like you were having fun and killing it at the same time! I'm always excited to place right in the middle too on CF stuff — we're the same size and it starts to get hard on the heavier stuff (like I'm not sure if I could have done the 135 power clean 😉
Thanks! Oh, I wasn't sure about 135 lb cleans either but it was easier than thrusters at 105 — who knew. haha. Small but mighty – right?!